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Has anyone ever asked you what your philosophy on life is? What does it even mean, “Your philosophy on life?” It’s not a common question and when first asked it might be hard to come up with an answer. To me that question asks, “What are your beliefs? Why do you live each day the way you do?” Your philosophy affects how you interact with others and the actions you take in every situation. It’s what gets you out of bed in the morning and keeps you going through the day.


One thing about your philosophy is that it is subject to change and often transforms as you gain experiences. People, places, and ideas can alter your philosophy. Different states, countries, and even continents may have contrasting views of the world and I’m interested to find out the diverse philosophies of the world.


My goal is to ask as many people as I can the question: “What is your philosophy on life?”


I want to bring all of these philosophies together for everyone to see. This is your chance to be a part of something multicultural that could potentially involve people from all over the world.


Go to the contact page and send me your philosophy. Your answer may be as long or as short as you want it to be. Please, add where you're from, your first name, and first initial of your last name. If you would like you may send a photo of yourself with your philosophy to These photos can be just a self portrait, you doing something you love, or you with someone you love. 


With this project I hope to help others find their own philosophy and learn about the diversity of our world.


Thank you for reading and please tell your friends and family!



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